Last night, Jill came over and we watched a documentary on Netflix called "Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead" about a man who started a juice fast after his health started to decline and medicines were no longer able to help with his ailments. His results were so amazing, that he started spreading the word of "juicing" and the remarkable impact it made on his life. The outcome was so amazing, it left me with my jaw dragging the floor. Weight loss is one factor, but the health benefits are a whole other ballgame! People are able to leave their prescription drugs behind after getting their health on track. Luckily I'm not on any prescriptions, but if I were, that would be a MAJOR BOOSTER to get me going. Just think for you guys on pills, what it would be like to not have to take those drugs, with the whack side effects, anymore! AHHH-MAZING!
Although I am in fairly good shape, I want to only go up, not down. I have decided to get started on green smoothies and to replace the CRAP that I'm eating and that is breaking down my body, with fruits and vegetables that have been placed here for our good! Once I decided this, I realized I didn't have a weapon to help me conquer this goal. This problem received a solution real fast as I hopped onto and ordered the best blender ever (or so I hope the people in the ratings were telling the truth)! My weapon of magic go to awesome deal of the day with Easy Pay (QVC lingo)?? Well none other than this baby....
The VITAMIX Creations GC!!! This thing does it ALL! Crushes ice with ease, whips up soups, smoothies (which is why I got it), and YES, even ICE CREAM! If only it could whip up a casserole for the kids at dinner time, but I guess beggers can't be choosers! I'll take what I can.
This mac-daddy of blenders will be shipped out the middle of April, so I should be getting it close to my birthday. The 30th year of my life shall bring me a blender and good health! Happy Birthday to me! I suppose my plan right out of the gate will be to replace 2 meals a day with green smoothies, and hey, if it's going better than I thought, I'll go ahead and replace all 3 meals with the smoothies. I'm so dang excited and jazzed to get started. I can't wait to see and feel the results. As of lately, I haven't gotten been the best about produce intake. Actually, let me retract that statement and say that I've never really been great with produce consumption, unless it was produce on a burger or potatoes. EEEKKKCCCCHHH..... The more I think about food and the chemicals, hormones, fat, etc. that is in the "fuel" that we feed our bodies, the more that I want to start putting "Premium Fuel" into this well-oiled, precious machine! I guess the age thing, may be an eye opener too. 30 years have literally FLOWN by! I want to be my ABSOLUTE BEST in my 30's and THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I'M GOING TO BE! I want to live a long healthy life and this plan is definitely going to be a proactive move in that direction.
Let's raise our glasses and say "CHEERS" to our health!
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