Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thank Goodness One Can Fail At Making Rice Crispy Treats & Still Be A "Domesticated" Homegirl!

Ok, so I'm a little late posting this blog, but HEY.....I've been busy, or so I can tell myself that and make you believe it!  Take it easy on this 'ol gal!!!  I was invited to attend a birthday party for a friend from church, late last week.  There she would provide a chocolate fondue and we, the guests, would bring along "dipables" (I'm pretty sure I just made up that word, but I like it, so it stays)!  Once I heard this yummy news, I knew right away I wanted to bring rice crispy treats to dip into "The Pot of Yumminess", just like at The Melting Pot (which also happens to be one of my favorite restaurants)! 

I hopped online to find a recipe for the, what I thought would be the WORLD'S EASIEST DESSERT, and found one right away that looked "to die for"!  We're talking made with the real-deal mini marshmallows and not the "fluff in a jar" imitation stuff, and mini oreos!!!!!  YES, I KNOW!!!!  I was excited about the mini oreos part too!  I read the recipe and it sounds simple enough, so si senorita, print was the next thing that I did!  My mouth was watering so bad waiting for the stupid paper just to come off of the printer!

After I got off of work, I headed to the store to get the stuff to make the treats and I was sooo proud of myself, since I had enough time to go purchase the goods, go home make them, chill them, and fix my hair before the shin-dig!  I had this in the bag y'all, again, so I thought! 

Step One ("We Can Have Lots of Fun....") of the recipe: Melt the butter and the marshmallows in a large bowl in the microwave...

Step Two ("It's Just Me & You...."): Mix the Rice Crispies and Oreos into the marshmallow goo
Was I suppose to get this messy making these things?!?

Maybe I failed to mention that this was my first time making these?...But....Moving right along...

VOILA!!!!!  Finished product, or rather, Finished Mess!!  Rice Crispies were EVERYWHERE!!!  Literally, everywhere....all over the stove top, countertops, burners, floor, my hands, on my clothes, and I also spotted some on my face, but I'm not sure how those got there!!!

They looked GREAT from appearance, but felt and sounded terrible when I started to cut into them.  I quickly learned that there were a TON of loose rice crispies that didn't make it into the marshmallow sticky, goo stuff!  Talk about pissed!  That is exactly what I was after being so excited about making them, shopping for the stuff, and going through the motion of actually making these friggin things, all just so they could crap out on me and not work!  Then it was off to PLAN B: Head back to Harris Teeter and buy a pack of Mint Oreos for the dipping party!

So Melissa, if you are reading this, I am sorry that my domesticated, housewife skills failed me on your wonderful day, but boy am I glad that someone else brought some rice crispy treats and also that there were so many more yummy things there than my lame oreos! 

**Lesson learned from this FAIL:   I must be too good for the simple Rice Crispy Treats! Next time I'll stick to something more complicated and challenging that I know I can make, like a Burnt Sugar Candy Bar Cake (made from scratch-OH YEAH BABY!!!)!!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

To Pay, Or NOT To Pay....That is THE Question!!

Tax refunds are here!!  Woohoo!! Time to pay off the debt that I have and boy, was I feeling JAZZED!  That was until Bilal (B as in "Bravo", but sounded more like...like...heck, I was LOST when he made the attempt!  I as in "indigo".  Who says INDIGO?  For real?  Use something like "iPhone".  Something that a southern Stef could understand!  L as in "lemur", but sounded oddly familiar to RENAL. A as in "Alpha".  I did get that one. And L as in "lemur"/RENAL AGAIN!!) picked up the other end of the phone.

As soon as he started talking, I knew right away that this was going to be a LONG phone call!  The kind wear you have to switch the phone from ear to ear to avoid the dreaded "EAR SWEAT"!  He began by gathering my information and to see why I was calling.  With excitement in my voice and a smile on my face (you can hear a smile in someone's voice....go ahead...try it!), I said in my sweet, southern accent, "I wanna pay you and get you guys off my back!" (Oh, YES, I DID!)   I guess he didn't find that too funny, cause like Mr. Roboto, he kept spilling all of these legal jargins in his pretty thick Indian accent.  After quite some time of me having to, for some reason or another, be put on hold for 30 seconds after speaking to him in TWO MINUTE intervals, we finally get all the BLAH, BLAH, BLAH corporate BS that he has to do out of the way and we are ready to take care of business!!!!!  Or, so I thought!!  This was like that song, "This is the song that never ends.  And it goes on and on my friends..."  Except, this was the call that would never end!!!

Bilal, sets up his computer system and was ready to take my payment information.  He asks, "Will this be Visa or Mastercard ma'am?"  His bedside manner was very respectful, but if it weren't for that, I would have hung up on him and tried back another day.  Wait, should I have said "bedside manner"?  I know that you use that term with doctors.  Oh well, Bilal was putting me in enough pain like a doctor would, so I'll leave that term right where it is! I respond, "Visa" (NO, I am not giving out the rest of my card information on here!  Are you NUTS?!?), thinking that we are really rolling along like Ike and Tina down the river and that this conversation would soon come to an end!  Then, here it comes......."Ma'am, the payment department is now closed so I am unable to process a payment tonight."  ARE YOU FRIGGIN KIDDING ME?!?  He continues, "What time would be a good time tomorrow AFTER 12:00 pm for me to call you?  And be sure to answer the phone ma'am as I will be calling at that time.  Please be sure to answer the phone."  Alright dude, I gotchya!  You want me to cater to YOUR schedule (I'm sure so he can get a commission) and yeah, I also get that you want me to answer the friggin phone!  I got that!!  Thanks!!  So for my reply, and yes I did hear him say after noon, I say, "10:00 AM would be PERFECT for me.  An I'll be sure to answer the phone!"  Silence!!!  I started to hear crickets chirp, but literally cause I had my living room windows opened!  Bilal pops up and reminds me that he would not be in until after noon and that he could not process the information before then.  "I guess I'll just have to call back in the morning then, and talk to someone else, because 10 AM is what is going to work for me.", I say.  Bilal quickly pleas with me, "Please ma'am!  Please call back and ask for me.  Have your pen and paper ready.  Here is my number.  Call back after noon."  Just to be nice, I took Bilal's number down.  I did say that I couldn't guarantee anything and gave him the heads up again, that I just might have to call someone else in the morning.  As soon as I got my last breath of my last word out, he starts in again with the pleading, making it sound as though NOBODY else could assist me with this matter!!  By this point, I was so far gone out of the conversation that I  couldn't help but laugh right into his (probably bleeding by now) ear!  Horrible huh?!?  Ahhhh....WHATEVER!!  You probably would have too!  Although, I really shouldn't say that cause most of you would have totally hung up on poor Bilal!  Bless his heart!  He was simply trying to do his job, and I'm not sure if he was a new employee there or not, but by the conversation he was having with a female in the back regarding our conversation, I took it as so. 

So, we shall see tomorrow if Bilal surprises me with a 10:00 AM phone call.  My guess would have to be NO, seeing how many times he stressed to me that he would not be in until 12:00 PM!!  How bad do you want the commission buddy?!?  Come and get it!!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Act Your Age....Or Not....

I find it kind of funny that when kids play "pretend", they always seem to play the roles of adults.  Little girls usually playing the part of mothers, teachers, nurses and boys playing the grown up, mature, and masculine father and head of the household.  As adults, we might like to cut loose and act a little more child-like than we do in everyday life (I tend to do that a lil more than that though, and I wouldn't have it any other way)!  The roles are quite reversed when "playing".

Hillary triggered this thought while she and Cole were playing so nicely this afternoon.  She is the proud owner of these puppies....
and anytime she wears them, the sassy, bossy, grown up, diva Hillary comes out!!  She even walks different (no, not because of the heel. she works and owns those shoes like nobody's business) like a prance or extra pep in her step kind of different.  This lil lady thinks she is somethin' else in these!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Think Tank

Today was the start of General Conference for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (of which I proudly belong)!  For those of you who do not know what this is, it is where the President and Prophet of our church, Thomas S. Monson, and other church leaders, speak on different topics, inspired by our Father in Heaven to the congregation, as well as to the world!  As I watched and listened today, not only was my heart on fire (the good spirit burning kind), but my wheels started turning and turning, and turning, and turning, and....well, you get the idea....TURNING!  Many different topics were touched on today, such as The Scriptures, Family, Keeping the Sabbath Day holy, Examples made by children, Faith, Desire to follow Christ, The purpose of pain, important roles that women play, serving the poor and needy, and the list goes on and on!  As I sat listening to these inspired speakers, i started to think to myself, how much happier I am when I live (or at least try) my life as Christ would have me live.  I am by no means perfect and have ALOT of room to grow, but I take each day for what it's worth.  No need to live in the past, but how wonderful it is to look ahead and progress! 

There was a time in my life where I wasn't the most active in church (ok, I wasn't really active at all for a couple of years), but nonetheless, I have always felt the Gospel that I have been taught to be true!  Heavenly Father hears our prayers and he knows our hearts and our intentions, and for that I am ever so grateful!!  Once I started having babies, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I needed to get back into church, not only for my well-being, but I knew I needed to be that positive example for my babies.  Afterall, if I don't teach them, the world will and I'd MUCH rather be the teacher in that case.  My two favorite talks today were given by Jean Stevens of the Primary Presidency and Kent Richards of the Seventy.  Sister Jean Stevens enlightened us on the examples made by children.  She pointed out the sweet qualities that children possess that draw them closer to the Lord.
  1. Full of faith
  2. They exemplify humility, obedience, & love
  3. They are always 1st to love & the 1st to forgive
  4. They have believing hearts & are receptive to the feelings of the Spirit
Once those qualities were listed I knew that is what I have been looking for!  I've always thought to myself, that if everyone would live the gospel principles and live as Christ would have them live then maybe, just maybe, Miss America (along with the rest of us) could have that "World Peace" that she so longs for!  But having this list of child-like qualities really brings it back to the basics for us all!  No one is more Christ like than children are!  I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for blessing me with my two special spirits that I have in my presence!  Yes, they do get a little out of control sometimes, and make me wanna rip every last strand of hair out of my head, but I have to reel in those feelings and remember to be patient, for they are more precious and valuable than anything I'll ever own!

Kent F. Richards spoke on The Purpose of Pain.  Why do we have to experience bad things and pain during our time on Earth?  Why do bad things happen to good people?  The first thing that really struck me and got my attention was when he made the comment, "Allow your suffering to draw you closer to Heavenly Father."  I have such a STRONG testimony of this!  I have been in some truely trying times, for those of you who are close to me, you know.  Not too long after becoming active in church again, I experienced the heartache that a divorce could only leave on one.  Shortly followed by loss of job which snowballed into a few other things.  All of these stresses on top of being a newly single (and rather young) mother of two helpless babies who counted on me.  With many tear filled prayers, I knew that my Heavenly Father was right there by my side!  Yes, the challenges that I had been faced with sucked BEYOND belief, but YES, I also knew I was going to get through it and become a stronger daughter of our Heavenly Father and a stronger mother!  It is in those difficult, trying times, when you think the world will end, yet Heavenly Father wants you to simply turn to him for his help.  Brother Richards also made a statement about how "Pain brings you to a humility that allows you to ponder."  I know that with myself, when I get soo stressed out about something, I need to be in a "quiet zone".  The problem solving doesn't necessarily start out with spiritual intentions, but rather to escape everything and "not think" about anything.  Notice I said, "not think".  There's really only like 5-10 seconds of not thinking about anything that takes place, then the MAJOR THINK TANK sets into gear and I quickly rely on my relationship with my Father above!

A very close friend and I, have alot of deep thinking conversations from time to time.  We talk about the ways of the world and the teachings of the church that I attend.  The latest thing that we talked about was his faith in God.  The reason for this was he couldn't understand why such horrible things can happen to such sweet and innocent souls (ex: abuse) and how God could stand there and let it happen.  Of course we all know the answer which was brought up in the talk, "Opposition is a part of Heavenly Father's plan of happiness", but as a parent I have a different approach on this.  The reason why I say that is because, as a parent, you want the best for your kids.  You hope and pray that you teach and do all that you can do so that you raise an outstanding person.  Heavenly Father wants the same for us.  I don't know why it was harder to look at my relationship with the Lord as a "true family relationship" before having kids, but now that Hillary and Cole are here, I completely understand why it is Heavenly Father asks us to do the things that He does.  Back to the opposition comment though....and just as discussed with this certain friend, if you see your child in a harmful situation but your too far away to physically grab them, you would shout to them, "WATCH OUT".  And if the child continues on, one of two things probably happened.  The first being, that even though you shouted as loud as possible about the warning, he may not have heard you.  Or two, he may have heard you perfectly, yet chose to go forward, towards the harm anyways.  Heavenly Father does the same with us.  He wants us to return to live with Him again for eternity and with our families.  It is our responsibility to keep our minds and hearts open so that when He does send a warning, we can hear it and turn towards His voice.

I am not one to share my testimony with a ton of people, but I am feeling so inclined to do so today after feeling the spirit so strong!  I want to share with everyone my testimony of this true gospel and for the knowledge that I have to return to live with our Heavenly Father and be with my family for ETERNITY!  I know there is a "Happily Ever After" and we all have access to it, if we just search it out and work towards it!  And just when you feel like you are alone, that our Father is there with you wrapping his loving arms around you, his son/daughter.  I also testify to you that I know that Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet of God and that he speaks directly with our Father in Heaven and through him, he shares the teachings of how we can return to live with Him and live a life filled with happiness!  It is through our faith, obedience, and trust in our Father that can get us back home with the ones we love most!

I couldn't imagine living again without these two by my side!  I am so thankful that "Families Can Be Together Forever!"

**For those of you who might have questions about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I invite you to check out http://www.lds.org/ and http://www.mormon.org/.

Friday, April 1, 2011


I guess my posts would be more interesting if maybe I blogged everyday.  I close my eyes for a second and once I open them, that's it....the whole world has passed me by!  Soooo....with that said, my last blog was back in October and it is now April!   Ahhhhh......Father Time, SLOW YOUR ROLE!!!!  I'm aging faster than the produce in my fridge!!

Hillay has continued with her dance classes and she absolutely LOVES it!  She should be receiving her dance costume this month, in time for their dance pictures next month, then it's time for the recital at the beginning of June.  I can't wait to see my lil lady up on the big stage with all of her super cute friends, dancing cluelessly, in the bright lights!  The little ones have always been my favorites to watch at dance recitals!  Two go one way, while the other part of the class goes the other, while bumping into the one girl crying for mommy and daddy!  It's NEVER a dull moment!  I can't wait!

Colie-Olie started karate, but that didn't last long!  He took his newly learned moves back to school and tried them out on a couple of his classmates.  He had to return back to karate class and apologize for his actions to his instructor (cause using moves outside of self defense is a BIG NO-NO!!).  I think that was the beginning of Cole's lack of enthusiasm for karate.  We tried taking him to a couple of extra classes, but it was simply a NO-GO!  Oh well.  Worth a shot.  Cole now wants to play baseball!  I feel pretty comfortable with that sport desicion.  Afterall, it's not like he can take a bat to school and start swinging it around....right?!?  He is really excited about the whole idea of baseball, so now we just need to find a league around these parts for him to get started!

As for me, well......Where?  Who?  What?  When? Why?  Those are all good questions!  Let's start with the "Where" question.  I'm still living it up in Winston Salem (not like I would have moved in a 6 month period of time), working at the same apartment community, attending the same ward at church, and have recently visited Kansas.  Now onto "Who"...still me!  Crazy 'ol, same me!  Trying to work out a bit more these days to be a leaner version of crazy 'ol me.  And, I'm still single 'ol me.  Making progress here!  "What"....I have put an end to the online dating arena!  I am "talking" to someone pretty regularly, so time will tell there, as time will tell on all things.  I recently received a new calling at church as the First Counselor in the Stake YSA Program.  I'm looking forward to working and focusing on this program and getting more young singles involved in church and activities.  "When"...1982!  That's when all this "FABULOSITY" entered the world!  lol  Don't ya just love the bouncing around I'm doing?  Are ya keeping up?  Good!!  "Why".....The reasoning behind the Kansas trip was to meet that someone that was somewhat mentioned above.  It was a great trip, aside from him being super sick the whole weekend.  I must have done an OK job at being a caring nurse cause he continues talking to me.  Life is GRAND!  I am soo blessed...beyond belief!!

Spring has sprung and I am so excited to see what new and exciting things come to me and my family!  I have a feeling it'll be GREAT!!  I'll be sure to keep ya posted!